April 30, 2008

For the love of books

Anyone who knows me well, or who has read much of my blog, knows that I love books. I love to read them, to look at them, to hold and smell and feel them. I love the typesetting and layout, the covers and jackets, the thickness of the paper. I've even spent part of my life making a living off making books, first working for a religious publisher (Fortress Press) and now working freelance. And while I am of course interested in various technological advances regarding the dissemination of information (I love to read blogs, for instance), I would be panicked and grief-stricken if the book in its current form were to go away. So I was heartened (though not surprised) to read this great piece in the Chicago Tribune (HT: Scot McKnight at JesusCreed):


April 18, 2008

New Commentary series from Cascade Books

On his blog, Euangelion, the prolific Michael Bird notes one of his own forthcoming titles as follows:
"Colossians: A New Covenant Commentary. Oregon: Cascade, July 2009. This will be my summer project (along with writing a course on "Reformed interpretation of Romans from Calvin to Cranfield"). I'm longing to write a commentary on my favourite epistle of the New Testament and dive into Markus Barth's own commentary as well as recent commentaries by M.M. Thompson, Ben Witherington, and Doug Moo too. It is part of a new commentary series edited by myself and Craig Keener with a line-up of great scholars from around the world (I mean Asia, Africa, America, Australia). I'll blog more on that in the future."

K. C. Hanson, the Editor-in-Chief at Wipf & Stock, has done quite a job of building up the Cascade imprint, and I look forward to this new and promising series. I can't find any info on the W&S web site about it yet, but just the brief comments above peak my interest. I guess now patience will be a virtue.

N. T. Wright on the Anglican Communion

The Anglican Evangelical Web magazine Fulcrum has a lecture recently given by N. T. Wright about the position the Anglican communion currently finds itself in the months before the upcoming Lambeth Conference. I am not Anglican myself, and don't have a full enough understanding of the polity of that communion to comment on the deep and tragic split that has been developing over especially the church's understanding of homosexual activity and the ordination of Gene Robinson by the Episcopal Church in America. But I do commend to you N. T. Wright's lecture, which, in its second half, very helpfully uses 1 and 2 Corinthians as a way to illustrate how Paul himself dealt with difficult issues of unity, diversity, holiness, and love. I'm personally troubled by the direction the Episcopal Church has taken over the past decade in its open embrace of practicing homosexuals and in its open thwarting of the views of its own worldwide communion of Anglicans, not to mention the worldwide catholic church. And I continue to watch and hope and pray that biblical reflection can lead to a true, robust, biblical solution within the Anglican communion that can be a model for many other churches, such as the ELCA and the worldwide Lutheran World Feeration, can follow.

April 15, 2008

Book Reviews Index

One of my favorite activities is reading and reviewing books. So I'm working on putting together a list of the books I've reviewed. I'll try to keep this post updated as I keep on going.

Craig Allert, A High View of Scripture?
Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
Richard Bliese and Craig Van Gelder, The Evangelizing Church
Donald Bloesch, A Theology of Word and Spirit
Donald Bloesch, God the Almighty
Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy, Across the Spectrum
F. F. Bruce, Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free
James D. G. Dunn, The Theology of Paul the Apostle, pt 1, pt 2
Gordon Fee, Paul's Letter to the Philippians
Stanley Grenz, Prayer: The Cry for the Kingdom
Stanley Grenz, Renewing the Center
Gordon Kaufman, In the beginning . . . Creativity
Soren Kierkegaard, Training in Christianity
Tuomo Mannermaa, Christ Present in Faith
I. Howard Marshall, Biblical Inspiration
Alister McGrath, A Scientific Theology, vol. 1: Nature, vol. 2: Reality, vol. 3: Theory
Scot McKnight, Jesus and His Death
J. P. Moreland, Love Your God with All Your Mind
Leon Morris, Revelation (TNTC)
Mark Noll, The Civil War as a Theological Crisis
Alan Padgett, Science and the Study of God
Eugene Peterson, Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places
Eugene Peterson, Eat This Book
Clark Pinnock, Most Moved Mover, The Openness of God
Peter Schmiechen, Saving Power
Kevin Vanhoozer, First Theology
Miroslav Volf, The End of Memory
Dallas Willard, The Divine Conspiracy
David Willis, Clues to the Nicene Creed
Albert Wolters, Creation Regained
Christopher J. H. Wright, The Mission of God
N. T. Wright, Jesus and the Victory of God
N. T. Wright, Paul: In Fresh Perspective

Forthcoming book about Atheism

Fortress Press is coming out with the third volume in their series of books to accompany the Greer-Heard Point Counterpoint Forum at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The new book, which is scheduled to release in October, is The Future of Atheism, and is a debate between Alister McGrath and Daniel Dennett. I haven't had a chance to seek out a recording of the debate (I know you can buy one from NOBTS), nor have I looked over the list of respondents, but this promises to be an interesting book, even if this ground has been pretty well tread in the past year or two. McGrath is a very erudite respondent to the new influx of Atheist writing, as a former atheist himself, as a credentialed scientist, and as a historical theologian. I've enjoyed listening to him talk, especially about Dawkins' new book, and look forward to delving into this discussion.